Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, can stay, I don't mind getting wet today

Today was my first group training run and it was pouring! Only 2 of the 6 of us that RSVP'd to come actually showed up. I ran with the other girl for about 1 1/4 miles, but the cramps were too bad. My eyes began to water and I was very frustrated. I began to doubt myself, my abilities, and my sanity. Why was I doing this? Was I crazy? I can't run a marathon! If I can't even run 2 miles, how the heck am I going to run a marathon?

The eye watering increased until a tear was about to fall and I talked myself out of it. I didn't let the frustration and pain get to me. I just said, you know what, Crystal, you can do it. You may be very slow and you may not run very much, but you can do it. Keep going. Just at this point I reached the water station with one of my coaches there. I told her about the cramps and asked if there was anything I could do about them. She gave me some suggestions, so I took it easy for a little bit, took deep breaths, and the cramps were gone. I ran the last 2 miles! I did walk up the hill (about a 1/4 mile maybe), because my hip flexors were aching, starting to get tight, so I took that opportunity to stretch them out with long uphill strides. Once I got to the top, I started running again and ran to the starting point. This is the most I have ever run. I am feeling very proud of myself right now. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's "recovery run" of 3 miles.

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