Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Getting back on track

Ok, I've figured out a new plan. I am not running Disney this year (next year, watch out!) The injury just set me back too far. I am going to start training tomorrow for a marathon in May. I am recruiting friends to join me, but only one has responded as of this point. Hey, one is better than none! So, one mile tomorrow to start a solid base. I'm looking forward to getting back out there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Making my way back

I am going to attempt a very short jog/walk today for the first time in a couple of weeks. I have been laid up from training more or less for 3 weeks. I am extremely nervous, but I have to start sometime, or I will never know if I am healed or not. Wish me luck!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Trying to see the light

but the tunnel seems awefully long. I didn't get to really train last week because of my knee. I walked the 8 miles on Sunday and my knee felt great. I paid for it later. I couldn't train at all this week and have to call the dr. again today to see what the next part of the plan is for recovery and training. I am not allowed to do much of anything right now, no running, walking, swimming, biking, yoga, nothing. It's a bit frustrating not knowing what is going to happen next, but I'm hanging in.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Knee injury

I went on my long run this weekend and foolishly wore my new orthotics. I injured my knee (or more correctly it's probably my IT band) pretty significantly. I could barely walk on Sunday. I did, however, hobble the whole 8 miles. When I woke up on Monday, I felt much better so decided that I would go that evening for my "recovery run." I ran for a little while, but then my knee started to hurt, so I walked the rest of the 2 miles. Today I have off, tomorrow I will walk 4 miles and I am going to skip Friday's run. Hopefully that will put me in good shape for Sunday, but we will see.

I need to go to a professional running store and get new sneakers that I can wear with my orthotics. This is turning out to be a very challenging journey. I must admit that I am a bit frustrated, but am hoping that, because it is still early, everything will come together for me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Pose Method of Running

I got a new book and DVD the other day to try to improve my running. It's called the Pose Method. I read some really good reviews about it and figured it couldn't hurt, right? It is supposed to improve your running technique which in turn will help prevent injury, improve your speed, and enhance your endurance (among other things). So, we will see how it works.
Thanks, Amy, for joining me running last night. I hope you will run regularly with me/us!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I wear my sneakers at night

so I can, so I can...Amanda and I went running last night with my newly calibrated Nike+. I still don't know how accurate it is. I will attempt a run tomorrow night that I have measured (via my car odometer) for the first mile. Then I can start to make adjustments. Maybe I'll just calibrate it to that mile run. Hm. Anywho, we did well, but if the Nike+ is accurate, we ran fast compared to how I usually run. Great for training, but I couldn't keep that pace over the 26.2 miles. Well, not at this stage in the game anyway.

But, I'm actually having fun and looking forward to the runs, for the most part, even though they are tough. 4 miles tomorrow...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The good, the bad, and the...ok, well there isn't any bad

I went on my long run today and ran the entire 6 miles. During that time, I found out that my Nike + is not accurate for me and I need to recalibrate it to my specifications. I think the main reason is that I take small strides because I am just starting. So, kiss that 10:42 pace goodbye! But, the good news is that I did run the whole 6 miles, and I did it in a 13:20 pace, which is over 2 1/2 minutes faster per minute than last weeks long run. Yeah!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Running w/ Nub

For all of the thorns Nub puts in my side, he is a great running companion. I took our little black lab mix out with me last night for my 4 mile run and he did very well. He doesn't spend much time on leash (that makes 3 times in the past year and a half) so I couldn't have asked for more. He was quite a trooper, and great motivation. Just as I thought I needed to walk, he would give me a little tug, encouraging me to go on. (OK, I realize that it was not his intention to do that, but that's what it did!) So, instead of my 16 minute pace that I kept on my long run last Sunday, I kept an average of 10:42 minute miles (thanks Nike+ and iPod, which I loved by the way!) Holy schmoly! If I can keep or improve that time over the long haul, I will finish in less than 5 hours. Though I am making no predictions, I will just try my best to finish under the prescribed time. The long runs will be the test, towards the end when I'm doing 18-20 miles on Sundays.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Toy

Yesterday I got the Nike+ ipod sport kit to keep track of mileage, speed, and calories burned. I'm not so concerned about the latter, but it is an added benefit. I actually have a pair of compatable Nike's, but didn't think I would ever be using the little sensor hole, but hey, look what happened! I'll try it out tonight on my run and report back later!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Running, running, running

Today was my first day out with the coach's advice under my belt and you know what happened? No cramps! I ran almost the entire 3 miles with no cramps! Amanda and I walked about a total of a 1/4 mile of the 3 miles. We did stop once for about 2 or 3 minutes because we ran into my best friend and her husband and 2 pugs at the dog park. But, I feel much better and more confident. I have a 4 miler scheduled on Wednesday. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rain, can stay, I don't mind getting wet today

Today was my first group training run and it was pouring! Only 2 of the 6 of us that RSVP'd to come actually showed up. I ran with the other girl for about 1 1/4 miles, but the cramps were too bad. My eyes began to water and I was very frustrated. I began to doubt myself, my abilities, and my sanity. Why was I doing this? Was I crazy? I can't run a marathon! If I can't even run 2 miles, how the heck am I going to run a marathon?

The eye watering increased until a tear was about to fall and I talked myself out of it. I didn't let the frustration and pain get to me. I just said, you know what, Crystal, you can do it. You may be very slow and you may not run very much, but you can do it. Keep going. Just at this point I reached the water station with one of my coaches there. I told her about the cramps and asked if there was anything I could do about them. She gave me some suggestions, so I took it easy for a little bit, took deep breaths, and the cramps were gone. I ran the last 2 miles! I did walk up the hill (about a 1/4 mile maybe), because my hip flexors were aching, starting to get tight, so I took that opportunity to stretch them out with long uphill strides. Once I got to the top, I started running again and ran to the starting point. This is the most I have ever run. I am feeling very proud of myself right now. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's "recovery run" of 3 miles.

Monday, September 8, 2008

TNT Kick off

I only got to run in to the kick off event for a few minutes because I had to go dog sit for a friend who had a huge family emergency. But, I got my training schedule, met a couple of the coaches, got contact info, and a running log. Very cool. I am looking forward to making my first entry!

Friday, September 5, 2008

End of the dilemma

Well, I just found out that my first training day is on Sept. 14th which is the date of the Women's Sprint Tri. So, I guess that makes my decision much easier! I am going to return the wetsuit for now, because that is the last local tri for the season, then I will be concentrating on training for the marathon. So, I'll consider the whole wetsuit thing again next year. One less thing to worry about.

First unofficial training run

I ran last night with Amanda on the trails for about a mile or so, then walked another 3/4 of a mile-ish. But, the good news is that I did it cramp free! This is a big thing. I think I even may have been able to run more. If the weather holds up, I may try to run again tonight. Then I'll take Saturday off and run on Sunday.

The wetsuit arrived, but...

it's too big. I definitely need atleast a size smaller, maybe two. So, now I'm debating, do I exchange it for a smaller size, or do I get something else; either a skinsuit like this one, or tri separates. Hm...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My running history

I've never been a runner. I was not an athlete in school. I was a sprinter in gym class, but could never finish the darn mile run in less than 13 minutes in high school. 13 minutes! Geez that's pathetic, but I am aware that it is pathetic. That's why I am using TNT to help train me to run while doing a good thing for people experiencing a devastating disease. I have other, personal reasons for running, but I'm not ready to discuss that yet. Maybe in the next few days, maybe in a month or two.

So, stay tuned for my frustrations, my failures, and my triumphs! (Hopefully there will be more of the latter than anything else!)


Part of being involved with Team in Training is fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Here is the link to my fundraising page where you can see my progress. I also added it to my Useful Links. I urge, encourage, plead, and beg you to contribute to our cause in any way that you can.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The best watch ever!

I want this watch desperately. It can do so much, it's amazing. One of the most useful features to me is the GPS so that:

1) if you get lost on a run, you can find your way home and

2) you don't have to pre-drive every route all of the time to get your mileage, it has a mileage counter.

I know this is just a pipe dream, as it is pretty expensive ($349 w/ heart rate monitor telemetry band which I have and $299 w/o), but it sure is nice. Click here to read more about it and all of it's cool features.

Tri wetsuit

I ordered this wetsuit for the tris from Wetsuit Wearhouse. It's the Women's NeoSport Sprint Long John Triathlon Wetsuit. I hope it looks as good on as it does on this mannequin, lol!
Here is where I found local tri info.

New blog

Ok, folks, so this is my new blog about my training for the Disney World Marathon in January. I have signed up with the group Team in Training to train for my first marathon. I am not a runner, nor have I ever been. I couldn't even finish the darn mile run in high school in less than 13 minutes. I am rittled with cramps, exhaustion, and lack of training. So, last night I signed up. This blog will talk about my journey both emotionally and physically, my training issues, things I've learned, or anything else I think you might be interested in, or would appreciate knowing!